Promoting Safety and Responsibility: Menzies Macau’s Successful MORSE Safety Week
Release time:2024-05-07
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Menzies Aviation, globally, continues to uphold the principles of standardized operations, responsibility, and safe and effective practices (MORSE). These core values resonate across Menzies’ ground handling branches worldwide. The significance of MORSE Safety Week lies in reinforcing safety guidelines among Menzies colleagues, preventing safety incidents, and embedding good work habits.

For years, Menzies Macau has actively responded to and embodied Menzies Aviation’s values. In April of this year, during MORSE Safety Week, Menzies Macau organized a vibrant array of activities, fostering a strong echo of the company’s proud safety philosophy among colleagues.

Under the theme “Spot Suspicious Behavior, Report Immediately,” Menzies Macau’s MORSE Safety Week was successfully held. Colleagues openly engaged with department supervisors, sharing suggestions and opinions, and the entire company actively participated in safety-focused brainstorming.

During the gathering, outstanding Menzies Macau colleagues shared successful safety practices they’ve observed while working. Enthusiastic participation in quizzes added to the lively atmosphere, and the fun paper airplane competition kept everyone entertained.

In the days ahead, Menzies Macau colleagues gained a deeper understanding that promptly pointing out deviations from operational standards is a responsible act toward others, oneself, and the entire team. Through MORSE Safety Week activities, colleagues developed new insights into accident prevention and hazard recognition.

Mr. Raymond Lo, Managing Director of Menzies Macau, emphasized that MORSE Safety Week highlights their core values, and they will continue organizing diverse activities to further enhance safety levels at Menzies Macau.