Welcome to Mark Campbell
Release time:2019-01-01
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Mark Campbell has been appointed as Managing Director of Menzies Macau.

Mark has almost 40 years of aviation and ground handling experience, including 9 years in Menzies Aviation as General Manager roles across our Oceania region.

Raymond Lo, outgoing Managing Director of Menzies Macau, said: “Mark’s extensive knowledge and experience gives him the tools to lead the team to continue to deliver excellent services whilst ensuring a safe and secure operation. Please join me in offering Mark a very warm welcome as he settles into his role.”

Mark said: “I would like to say a massive thank you to Raymond; he has done a superb job developing the company and ensuring the safety and security of our staff. It’s an exciting time in Asia’s aviation industry, and I am delighted to have the opportunity to further develop Menzies Macau. Best of luck to Raymond in his future endeavors.”


Suckling pig cutting during a traditional Chinese ceremony, for blessing our staff’s safety in this following year

(From left to right)        Cheang Man Pui, Ramp Deputy Operations Manager        Raymond Lo, Managing Director of Menzies Macau for the past 10 years        Mark Campbell, Managing Director        Peter Chan, Head of Ground Operations & Cargo