Air Macau and Menzies Macau Contract Signing Ceremony
Release time:2019-03-02
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In March 2019, the flag carrier – Air Macau has extended its relationship with Menzies Macau as its ground handling partner of choice. A contract signing ceremony took place in Air Macau Headquarter to mark this significant moment.

We are honored to invite Mr. Chen Hong, Air Macau’s Executive Director cum Chief Executive Officer, and Mr. Mark Campbell, Managing Director of Menzies Macau as our officiates in this contract signing ceremony.

Mr. Chen Hong said: “we have a long-established relationship with Menzies Macau since 1995 and have always received excellent service from them. We are delighted to extend and continue our relationship with Menzies Macau.”

Mr. Mark Campbell also mentioned: “We are proud that Air Macau has chosen Menzies once again as its preferred ground handling partner. The renewal is testament to our well-established and trusted relationship with Air Macau, earned through the consistently high-quality service and dedication of our team serving the airline.”

A toast to Air Macau and Menzies Macau!

(Left – Menzies Macau) Mr. Mark Campbell, Managing Director

(Right – Air Macau) Mr. Chen Hong, Executive Director cum Chief Executive Officer

From left to right order:

1. (Air Macau) Mr. Liang Shuang, Vice President

2. (Menzies Macau) Ms. Wendy Lo, Customer Success Manager

3. (Air Macau) Mr. Chen Hong, Executive Director cum Chief Executive Officer

4. (Menzies Macau) Mr. Mark Campbell, Managing Director

5. (Menzies Macau) Ms. Cindy Du, Finance Director

6. (Air Macau) Mr. Ronny Lau, Assistant to Vice President, Customer Services cum General Manager – Station Management

(Left – Air Macau) Mr. Chen Hong, Executive Director cum Chief Executive Officer

(Right– Menzies Macau) Mr. Mark Campbell, Managing Director