Menzies Macau Honors Exceptional Employees with GOMAD Awards
Release time:2024-06-20
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Recently, the list of winners for the Menzies Macau GOMAD Award was announced, with a total of 8 outstanding employees receiving this monthly award.

GOMAD stands for ‘Go Make a Difference,’ and it is a special award established by the company to recognize employees who demonstrate exceptional problem-solving abilities, proactively address potential issues, and handle customer complaints effectively. This award not only acknowledges individual capabilities but also celebrates teamwork and company culture.

Mr. Mark Anthony Villacorta, one of the awardees, demonstrated keen observation skills in his work last month. He noticed a suspicious individual attempting to bypass a security gate and successfully prevented a potential risk.

Additionally, Ms. Chen Liangyan, another recipient, discovered an error in an API within the system. She promptly reported it to her supervisor, ensuring timely corrections and system stability.

The contributions of other awardees are also commendable. Ms. Huang Qiuyun identified that passenger information for someone who arrived from Tianjin on January 23rd had been deleted from the system. She immediately informed the supervisor and gate personnel, leading to a thorough check of the passenger at the boarding gate.

In addition to the mentioned awardees, the following individuals also received the GOMAD Award:

Mr. Kuang Zhihui

Mr. Jayson Sampaga

Mr. Yang Zhihao

Mr. Michael Rodnie Mabilin Yabut

Mr. Liu Tao, Rick

These awarded employees exemplify the spirit of the GOMAD Award through their practical actions, ensuring safety and security for the department and the company.

Ms. Anabela, the Acting Managing Director of Menzies Macau, presented certificates to the winners. She expressed, ‘Congratulations to these outstanding employees. May we continue to see diligent, responsible individuals stand out and collectively contribute to creating a safer and more stable Menzies Macau.’

Once again, congratulations to this month’s GOMAD Award recipients. Let’s cheer for their well-deserved honor and look forward to more exceptional employees.